Excluding Titles

There’s a pretty good chance that you’ll not be interested in seeing certain titles in certain circumstances. You may continually see a despised title pop up as a Most Popular title that you’re just not interested in. You can easily exclude those titles, like so:

(The Grinch example was no accident.)

These exclusions will be “lane-specific,” meaning that excluding a title in one tool will not exclude it in all tools. When you do have excluded titles that are not showing in a report, you’ll see this:


Click the circled – to clear those hidden titles and add them back to your list.

While our library analytics users often use this tool for their reference titles, (encyclopedias, dictionaries and the like) we’d like to take this opportunity to remind you that your store is not, in fact, a library. Excluding titles specifically from your Stock Analysis lane should be a pretty highly selective process, if done at all.